
PacketAI's agent (John) collects logs and metrics from the target OS and sends them to PacketAI engines in the cloud. John is highly autonomous and requires "two clicks" to setup.

Note: currently we support only Debian based linux distributions, including Ubuntu.

Installing John

To setup John on a specific OS, go to Deploy PacketAI → Agent:

  1. Copy the setup command line

  2. Paste on the terminal of the target OS and click enter

    And you are good to go, no further configuration is needed

John works in two autonomous steps:

  1. Auto-mapping of the infrastructure

  2. Send logs and metrics to PacketAI engines

Updating John

To update John, follow exactly the same steps as installation.

Uninstalling John

Auto-uninstallation is Coming soon

  1. stop PacketAI service: sudo service packetai stop

  2. sudo rm -rf /etc/packet

Last updated