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The topology page shows the automatically generated topological data of your infrastructure based on the data gathered by the PacketAI agents.
Each node on the topology graph presents a component detected by the PacketAI agent.
The topology graph shows the interconnections of your detected components and separates them into 6 major component types:
Data center
The component types that can be monitored are Hosts, Services and Applications(dark blue circles).
The host filter on the top right is used to show only selected hosts and their sub components on the topology graph.
A list of components you have started monitoring that are no longer being detected as active by the PacketAI agent.
Expand buttons
Two buttons in the bottom right are used to completely expand the topology graph nodes. The left button expands only the grouped components(components with a number on their node). The right button expands the graph completely.
When hovering over a monitored host, service or application a tooltip will appear showing you the information and actions that can be made on the component.
Rabbitmq - detected integration(component type)
beam.smp - component name
100% - health score generated based on the number of detected anomalies
rabbitmqedf3b9eb6b732085 - unique component id
94f2f2195fd6c181(optional) - docker container id(if the integration is inside dockerized)
Events - link to the component events page
EventsELK - link to the Managed ELK component events page
Metrics - link to the component metrics page
MetricsELK - link to the Managed ELK component metrics page
Anomalies - link to the component machine learning anomaly charts page
Monitor issue(optional) - link to the current issue page detected on your component if it exists
A non monitored component will be blacked on the topology and have the option to start its monitoring:
Start monitoring - link to the integrations page where the component monitoring can be activated